Dancer Friends,
In this our Nairobi, you really can't easily get away with answering the question what do you do for a living with "I am a dancer". For who? How? Where? When? I don't think you understand how much baggage this question comes with for dancers. When we say we want to be dancers, we actually mean we want to be dancers and no, we are not confused about the question at hand. Welcome to blog post number 2!
Unfortunately, for the longest time dance has not been seen as anything more than a hobby. Part of me thinks that one of the reasons for this is that as Africans, we unashamedly know (and let you know) that we naturally have rhythm: it is in us, there's no fighting it. We all grew up dancing in school and at weddings occasionally, and for us that's just the right amount of dance we need in our bodies. Anything more, is just unnecessary. For what? Why? It's quite humorous even.
I hate to break it to you that just because you can dance doesn't mean you are a dancer. There is so much more that is involved in dance: technique, musicality, creativity, different styles, there's an entire history behind it! We have come a long way as a people, I'm well aware, but there is still so much room left to grow.
If you are thinking of pursuing a full-time career in dance, are unsure about it because you have no idea where would you begin, BUT are feeling a tag on your heart to go for it regardless, GO FOR IT! There's so many passionate dancers who are on the same journey you are about to embark on. It is very much possible to make a living off of being a dancer in Nairobi. Trust that little voice, dancer friend, and begin to dream about all the possibilities.
Where do you begin? Right where you are! Look for classes being offered around you and consistently work on your craft. Consistency is key. If for whatever reason you are unable to make it for physical classes, take online classes! And guess who offers virtual classes? ***drumroll*** We do! There is a variety of options when it comes to where to train from.
I'm a passionate dancer who is consistently sharpening my craft, now what? When can I start making a living? I'm glad we are thinking alike - great minds huh? There's different paths you can take to channel your craft. Some dancers are born for the stage and the stage alone. Give them choreography and they will shine: The Performers- go for auditions! Some are born with an extra creative gene. Give them music and they will create a masterpiece: The Choreographers- create pieces and share your work, you never know who might be watching! Some dancers are born with just the right amount of patience and skill to guide other dancers: The Teachers/Instructors: find a school/ studio and teach! Lastly, some dancers are gifted with the ability to do each of these things effortlessly: The Dance Polymaths (I made that up). Do any of these paths strike you the most? That's your money maker!
We interviewed a number of dancers on Instagram Live and they shared their journey with us. Some of them had support from their families straight from the jump and some of them didn't. Some of them were unaware of the possibility of pursuing dance as a career, but are now doing it full time.
The way is still being paved so it's a little scary, but be encouraged in the fact that all these other dancers have walked in the path you are going to walk in. Watch our IGTV "Dancers & their Journeys" series for these stories. Stay hopeful and be inspired, dancer friend.
Keep creating and sharing!
~Your dancer friend