I remember someone introducing themselves to me, and when I was about to do the same, they said, "Makena of The Kena Kona Dance Center?"and my face lit up! It was so heartwarming to realize that TKKDC was gradually establishing itself, even if in this small way. A dream that began when I was just a teenager was slowly unraveling before my eyes and I was in awe. I am happy to announce that we are officially 3 years old! Happy 3rd Year Anniversary to us!
The biggest lesson this year has been to trust the process. I remember working on a certain TKKDC project that I had invested fully in, and was certain that it would only work out if it went exactly as planned. Unfortunately for me, it went the opposite of what I had hoped for. I felt defeated and I was ready to give it all up. Just when I was about to completely shut it down, my eyes were opened to other alternatives and different possibilities. What seemed done and dusted now felt possible to achieve, and I was ready to do whatever was required of me to make it successful. Sure, my original plan didn't go as planned, but it turns out there was more than one way for it to work out.
Throughout this journey, my faith has been tested left, right, and center, with pressure from all directions including within. Yet, slowly but surely, I am learning to embrace life as it comes - letting what works stay, and letting what doesn't go. I am learning to trust that if God is faithful enough to get us to 3 years, He is faithful enough to see us through many more. Regardless of how things go, planned or unplanned, I am confident that there is a unique path set aside for The Kena Kona Dance Center, and we have the privilege of journeying through it together.
Thank you, dancer friends, for your continued support!
Here's to trusting the process, 3 years of existence, 3 years of growth, and 3 years of dancing! Happy Anniversary to us!
Makena Kimani,
Founder, TKKDC