Dancer Friends,
In the previous post, our target audience was the passionate, living and breathing dance-filled folk. We are changing it up today and talking to the rest of you, the pedestrians, the non dancers, the occasional movers. Welcome to post number 3!
An interesting response I hear a lot when I invite people for classes is "nooo I can't, I have
two left feet" and the conversation ends like that after a few awkward giggles. For some
reason, dance classes have been made to sound like they are for the pros and those trying to become pros, only. I know how intimidating it can be (post for another day), but dancer friends, who better to take a class than those who claim to have two left feet? Exactly!
Dance classes are fun when you approach them with an open mind. You aren't trying to win a dance competition, so let go of that pressure. You can take dance classes to simply learn a new style, whether old school or new popular styles. You can take dance classes to stay fit, because how fun is that? If you are used to going to the gym you can substitute one of your workout days to try out a new physical activity. The list goes on and on and on and on and on.
Dance is busy saving lives out here! Did you know that it has been scientifically proven that the only physical activity to offer protection against dementia is frequent dancing? (Source: Fred Astaire Dance Studio of Coral Springs) Would you look at that! Imagine if we started now- taking classes regularly- our bodies will be thanking us by the time we are older.
Try it today, this week, this month, take a class just for the fun of it. You don't have to get the routine perfectly, you don't even have to be 100% confident in the movement, BUT just enjoy the experience. Give yourself grace and take it one step at a time, literally. No pressure whatsoever because we are normalizing taking dance classes just for the fun it!
Keep creating & sharing!
~Your dancer friend