"You are a dancer, why don't you lead us?", "You are a dancer, just freestyle it", "You guys are dancers, compete and let's see who's the best"... and other ignorant things people say. I attended an event that had two dance crews battle it out in the name of finding the "best crew in Africa", when the reality was that the MC was just using the dancers as fillers for their disorganised program. I could see right through it and my blood was boiling! Dancers aren't puppets you turn on when you feel the need to be entertained, or pass time...dancers are artists. Welcome to post number 11.
Dance is an art form that deserves more respect than it gets. Sure it's a "fun thing" to do, but there is a formula to it, a method, rules and guidelines, history, unbelievable creativity and intentional mindfulness that makes it the unique art form that it is. The hard work that goes into creating and executing a piece of choreography goes unseen most of the time. The toll it takes on our bodies? Unseen. The challenges faced by dancers in spaces that see them as entertainment and entertainment alone? Unseen. The underpayment because "it's just dancing"? Unseen. Even so, we show up and show out regardless of all the "unseens".
Dancers are uniquely creative beings. My experience, vision, style, and journey as a dancer is not exactly the same as other people's. Like we talked about here, some dancers do well on the stage as performers, some in a studio as teachers, and some behind the scenes as choreographers. Similarly, some like to freestyle while others prefer a set routine, some prefer doing it socially while others would rather stick to the studio setting. Dancers aren't the same; therefore, they need to be acknowledged and respected individually according to their artistic identity.
Is it wrong to view dance as entertainment? Not at all. It is wrong, however, to view it as just entertainment, negating the fact that it is an art form in entirety. Let's change the way we view dance and dancers. Let's begin to acknowledge and appreciate their artistry and their essence entirely. You now know better, we now know better. Dance is an art form and dancers are artists.
Keep creating and sharing!
~ Your dancer friend